Drinks Eating Out The Bad

It’s ok but not today

Hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows

The hot chocolate wasn’t bad but it wasn’t outstanding either. Just your normal bog standard hot choccy with cream and marshmallows. I would drink one again but not bothered if I never go back either, especially given the hygiene of today….not impressed!

Carrot Cake

Considering there’s a board outside stating ‘homemade cakes’ I wasn’t very impressed by just 3 slices on offer. Both myself and Mr.Foodie opted for the carrot cake (of which we had to ask what it was as none were labelled and could of easily been a coffee and walnut cake but nevermind!).

Anyway! The cake itself…… moist and good frosting but take away the frosting and it really lacked flavour. Walnuts and carrot could clearly be seen but the sultanas must of been hiding. I’m sure not everyone puts sultanas into their carrot cake but this one most definitely needed it.

So, what im trying to say is its ok but if I’m not sure if it’s good enough to warrant a second visit.

Hygiene….my page is about the food not the hygiene so all I’m going to say is it was mildly yukky so my first complaint has been made.

Eating Out The Bad The Good

Mangetout take 2

Bayou shrimp

The starter of bayou shrimp was pretty good though it seemed to be lacking a little wedge of lime that our foodie friends seemed to have been served with. Once over my lime jealousy, it was enjoyable and would definitely order again(second already really as this was mr.foodies starter last time).

Fiesta burger

My first car was a fiesta and it never let me down so I was hoping the same fir the burger and it didn’t disappoint. A really nice chilli with plenty of cheese and a good quality meat burger.

We heard their burger chef is just 17yrs old so well done to him. If he’s doing this well at 17yrs then he’s going to be something special in another 10 yrs or so.

Halloumi fries

The side……WHY did I order the side!!!!!!

BIG letdown. It almost ruins the whole great rating. Once again it’s ‘mangetout what did you do!’ They looked more like fish fingers , cooled down really quickly and of course became rubbery because of that. Definitely NOT one to order again!

So, yes I will be back but I’m definitely learning there are some things you should and shouldn’t order!

Eating Out The Bad The Good

‘Mangetout what did you do!’

Crab claw sliders

Upon deciding we were going to be greedy piggies and go for 3 courses I opted for the crab claw sliders hoping to be a slightly lighter option and they didn’t disappoint. Light,fresh and very appetising. A great starter.

12oz USDA smoked prime brisket

And this is where it all went wrong. I’ll start with the slow cooked brisket. Cooked for 18hrs, this meat was amazing and just melted away. Perfect!

Sadly that’s where the awesomeness ends…. No matter what I tried the pickles just didn’t work flavour wise but still good. The real issue here was the ‘buttered’ corn. I can’t say I noticed any butter but worst of all I think it cooked for 18hrs too. It looked how I felt. Ok on the outside but really just about holding it together and complete mush on the inside. Taste had gone from it and it’s watery mush failed to sit right.urgh.

Meat WIN everything else FAIL!!

Not the best picture but I’m glad I took it for notes and to read it properly later because I completely missed the Alabama white sauce! However I wasn’t the only one as this never appeared at our table. For £17 I definitely want my Alabama white sauce!!…….FAIL!

Sticky toffee pudding

Top marks for presentation but this dish needed it. The pudding was dark in colour but lacked flavour. It certainly wasn’t your traditional sticky toffee pudding as the only toffee sauce it had ,was definitely added after and not cooked with the pudding. Very disappointed, I love a good sticky toffee pudding. Then there’s the ice cream. Yellow in colour (yes I’m aware some good icreams are but this was not natural)and more resembling Tesco’s value tub rather than homemade. It didn’t say homemade but from a decent restaurant you would expect it or at least being in the home town of mr rossi’s ice-cream they would of used that but it definitely tasted like bottom end ice-cream. FAIL

Mangetout started well then went downhill. Even Mr. Foodie’s starter of Bayou shrimp was awesome (I should know,I stole some!) . The brisket was fantastic but the rest of the food was a big let down and service was a little slow. I will give them a second chance in the hope it was an ‘off’ night and not just cut backs due to costs in changing location!

Eating in The Bad

Turkey and festive stuffing Wellington

Both good and bad
Ok, pastry good, turkey good, stuffing good (albeit a little too sweet). So what’s bad??? Well, the stuffing to turkey ratio. It just let it down completely unfortunately. We served 4 people cutting off the end pieces and putting to one side. These of which were just stuffing so in order to serve 6 , 2 people wouldn’t be getting turkey at all! Then, if u were to look at each individual portion, overall there was more stuffing than turkey. Would I buy it again? No, I wouldn’t. Would I eat it again? yes,it was still nice but definitely needed more turkey, less stuffing. So sorry M&S , you let me down with this one. I won’t be purchasing again.