Eating Out The Bad The Good

Mangetout take 2

Bayou shrimp

The starter of bayou shrimp was pretty good though it seemed to be lacking a little wedge of lime that our foodie friends seemed to have been served with. Once over my lime jealousy, it was enjoyable and would definitely order again(second already really as this was mr.foodies starter last time).

Fiesta burger

My first car was a fiesta and it never let me down so I was hoping the same fir the burger and it didn’t disappoint. A really nice chilli with plenty of cheese and a good quality meat burger.

We heard their burger chef is just 17yrs old so well done to him. If he’s doing this well at 17yrs then he’s going to be something special in another 10 yrs or so.

Halloumi fries

The side……WHY did I order the side!!!!!!

BIG letdown. It almost ruins the whole great rating. Once again it’s ‘mangetout what did you do!’ They looked more like fish fingers , cooled down really quickly and of course became rubbery because of that. Definitely NOT one to order again!

So, yes I will be back but I’m definitely learning there are some things you should and shouldn’t order!