Drinks Eating Out The Bad

It’s ok but not today

Hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows

The hot chocolate wasn’t bad but it wasn’t outstanding either. Just your normal bog standard hot choccy with cream and marshmallows. I would drink one again but not bothered if I never go back either, especially given the hygiene of today….not impressed!

Carrot Cake

Considering there’s a board outside stating ‘homemade cakes’ I wasn’t very impressed by just 3 slices on offer. Both myself and Mr.Foodie opted for the carrot cake (of which we had to ask what it was as none were labelled and could of easily been a coffee and walnut cake but nevermind!).

Anyway! The cake itself…… moist and good frosting but take away the frosting and it really lacked flavour. Walnuts and carrot could clearly be seen but the sultanas must of been hiding. I’m sure not everyone puts sultanas into their carrot cake but this one most definitely needed it.

So, what im trying to say is its ok but if I’m not sure if it’s good enough to warrant a second visit.

Hygiene….my page is about the food not the hygiene so all I’m going to say is it was mildly yukky so my first complaint has been made.