Drinks Eating Out The Bad

It’s ok but not today

Hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows

The hot chocolate wasn’t bad but it wasn’t outstanding either. Just your normal bog standard hot choccy with cream and marshmallows. I would drink one again but not bothered if I never go back either, especially given the hygiene of today….not impressed!

Carrot Cake

Considering there’s a board outside stating ‘homemade cakes’ I wasn’t very impressed by just 3 slices on offer. Both myself and Mr.Foodie opted for the carrot cake (of which we had to ask what it was as none were labelled and could of easily been a coffee and walnut cake but nevermind!).

Anyway! The cake itself…… moist and good frosting but take away the frosting and it really lacked flavour. Walnuts and carrot could clearly be seen but the sultanas must of been hiding. I’m sure not everyone puts sultanas into their carrot cake but this one most definitely needed it.

So, what im trying to say is its ok but if I’m not sure if it’s good enough to warrant a second visit.

Hygiene….my page is about the food not the hygiene so all I’m going to say is it was mildly yukky so my first complaint has been made.

Drinks Eating Out The Good

Comfort in a cup

I’m not afraid to admit I HATE coffee….*gasp* I said it! I just do. Maybe one day I will warm to it….maybe.

This place isn’t just about the coffee though. There’s hot chocolates, amazing crispy bacon rolls aswell as other savory items and cakes.

Right now lets get to point. You can select whatever you desire!!! I opted for a dark chocolate with a caramel shot and all the trimmings. It was amazing!!!!! ( So much so I’m pretty sure it’s becoming a regular stop). It’s made with actually chocolate,none of this powder nonsense and my choice of the bitterness of the dark chocolate and the sweet from the caramel seemed to work well. As for the coffee lovers like Mr.Foodie (crazy) there us a whole variety of beans to choose from and how you would like your coffee. There’s something for everyone!

Drinks The Good

Basil seed drinks

‘ looks aren’t everything’
Ignore the brand as I’m pretty sure there’s a few out there very much the same. Also, ignore the look. The fact it looks a bit like frogs spawn doesn’t make it very appealing and basil seeds in a drink doesn’t sound that great either HOWEVER!!! I think they are pretty amazing. They taste great and come in pretty much every fruit flavour you could think of. It is a little weird at first not knowing whether to drink or eat it but you soon adjust and end up going back for more.
Drinks The Good

Foursquare Rum

This is an amazing sipping rum for Christmas, Think of it as Christmas in a glass, somehow they have managed to sum up the smells and flavours vers of Christmas in a rum.

This is a golden spiced rum with a bit of an after kick, something I enjoy but the spices in this one are a bit different to my usual tipple. Once I had tried it at one of our favourite restaurants (will be reviewed soon I’m sure) I had to get a bottle for Christmas. This is not for mixing but just enjoyed on its own, chilled or even warmed like brandy!

If your into rum. And want to try something different for Christmas find yourself a bottle and try it.

Drinks The Good


A passion fruit liqueur. So if you aren’t a fan of passion fruit avoid! Personally I like this with lemonade but that doesnt mean it has to be! Experiment and see what you like best. Being allergic to cola it limits me but I really wouldn’t suggest putting this with cola anyway. Its fruity and light,sweet but not too sweet. Pasoa and lemonade is like a simple cocktail and very moreish!!! This is my current favourite (I say current because I’m a woman and thus can change my mind whenever you least expect it! I’m sure Mr foodie will confirm this.)